the HARTH Technology |
HARTH Technology Means Greater Maritime Ocean Safety, Comfort & Speed
Above: HARTH Ladybug 300 Passenger Fast Ferry HARTH Starlight Dome 450 Passenger Fast Ferry |
NO Sea-Sickness -- Ever ... Cruise Rating: 70 MPH Through Elevated Sea States NO Rock, Roll, Pitch, Heave, Yaw or Sway - Ever! Luxury Seating, Food and Beverage Concession Propulsion: Green, Conventional or Gas Turbine-Electric jet-drive Conventional or Eco-Clean Fuel Design Capable Seven Times the Fuel Economies per Passenger Mile NO Bow Wake - Shallow Draft - Shallow Port Access The smaller Ladybug Fast Ferry demonstrates the wide flexibility of shape and design capability of these HARTH vessels, while providing the safest, fastest, most stable ships in the ocean. The low drag hull design allows for super-freeway speeds consuming a fraction of the fuel consumption and maintenance costs per passenger / ton mile of travel than conventional ships or ferries. The larger Starlight Domed-Ferry can be finished out for fast- ferry transport, or dinning, excursion and nightclub activities. Cruising at speeds three to five times greater than conventional ships - and having round-trips through rough, or smooth oceans without sea-sickness, will provide trips in comfort - complete in a fraction of the transport time that a conventional ferry reaches it's first destination. The house internal space is clear-span and wide, providing for a wide design flexibility for luxury seating and options specific to a clients mission. These vessels may be completed as a theme-park passenger ferry, a dining or excursion ship, gaming, pleasure, or even a marine research ship. Exterior design can be what the imagination and budget allows; perhaps designed as a moose, dolphin, duck, shark, manta, bat or a character of your imagination. Retired Air-Line Conversion to Fast Ferries ... Above: 140 MPH through Elevated Sea States - 700 Passenger Capacity * HARTH 180 Passenger Fast Ferry Conversion * PEOPLE-MOVING DOCKING METHODS FOR FAST LOADING AND UNLOADING OF PASSENGERS ... Copyrighted 2008-2004, the Hydro Lance Corporation, All Rights Reserved The HARTH Island Connection ... Copyright@2008-1999-All Rights Reserved to the Hydro Lance Corporation Above: HARTH Shallow Draft Allows for Unimproved Island Beach Access HARTH Ocean Excursion Ships ... Above: HARTH Condomar Blue-Water Class Cruise Ships and Condo-Owned Travel Ships HARTH STARLIGHT DOMED FERRIES ... Above: HARTH Starlight Domed Excursion ship Series HARTH MANTA SERIES ... Above: HARTH Manta Series - Very Fast And Even 'Match-Speed' Flight Decks ... Above: HARTH Super-Fast Corporate Vessels with Matched-Speed Flight-Decks (MSAC) HARTH - A FAR BETTER, FASTER, SAFER WAY ... May we design / build a HARTH vessel to your specific theme? For further information, mouse-click any image or underlined phrase above, or any Light-Bar below ...
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COPYRIGHTED@ 2008-1999, Hydro Lance Corporation - All images, website content, designs and such other written intellectual property is Copyrighted. Copyrights, patents, designs and intellectual property is the sole property of the Hydro Lance Corporation and the inventor: Robert P. Price. Any copy or reproductions of this material, or any use of the H.A.R.T.H. technology, is forbidden, unless by license agreement or a written and signed consent given by the Hydro Lance Corporation. |