200 MPH - Hydro Lance Flightless Float Plane
Partner Investment Interest - See (click) Business Plan Below:
Adding the HARTH Float Pontoons To the Boeing 727-200
Hydro Lance Corporation Introduces the Flightless Float Plane tm Hydro Lance Float Pontoons Convert a 'Retired' Boeing 727 Jet-Aircraft into a Very High-Speed, Glass Smooth Ocean-Going Passenger Ferry
Shown to the left is a Boeing 727- 200 conversion illustration to a high speed marine passenger ferry utilizing the HARTH technology for high speed pontoons.
The New 'Flightless Float Plane' Adapting the Hydro Lance HARTH technology to advanced float pontoons, the company is able to convert the growing inventories of grounded commercial jet airplanes into ocean-going high-speed passenger ferries. Such conversions would be economic as the prime power, cockpit (bridge), controls, seating and light cargo capacities are already inherent with the aircraft, and the purchase availability of such aircraft is approximately $1 million each. While initial A&E costs increase the price of the first conversion to approximately $6 million, subsequent conversions would nearly be half that amount. Our plan is to begin with a stretch Boeing 727. While the seating is for over 150 passengers, incremental capital would allow adding a main marine deck raising capacity to 700 passengers with speeds over 120 mph in a Sea Force 6 or 7. Operational costs are initially calculated to approximately 15 cents per passenger mile. Once in operation, payback is less than 120 days, with ticketing prices substantially lower than airline travel. Such economic advantages are the result of lower drag resulting with utilizing of the HARTH pontoon technology. The initial plan is for the company to design, build and operate these vessels, possibly followed in joint venture with, or acquisition of a major carrier for operations. Other advantages include the extended reach of ferry routes, uninterrupted schedules of typical weather and sea states, the optional use of new green power systems, passenger comfort (no sea-sickness) and an ability to design for alternate green fuels such as vegetable oil, carbide (acetylene – OPUS system), and hydrogen fuel cells. Other HARTH applications (see the website) translate to a new high growth industry with many different platform classes, profit centers, new jobs and finally IPO’s to capitalize duplication and growth. Beginning with the first entry of a stretch 727 conversion, we are seeking a capital investment of 3.75 Million Dollars to complete that first phase. After reviewing the above information and this web site, that this is something of interest to your organization, please feel free to contact me directly, or Robert Price, CEO - 626-337-2078 HydroLance Corporation ( ), or Lowell (Deake) Hargrave (Hyper-Speed Marine) at 818-571-0664.
Sincerely, Walter R. Reed, Hydro Lance Engineering, Inc. - 805-482-1920 HLC – 1722 M ossberg Avenue, W. Covina, CA 91790HLE - 11225 Village 11, Camarillo, CA 93012 HSM- 1722 Mossberg Avenue, W. Covina, CA 91790 |
Shown is a Boeing Model 727 jet aircraft recently retired. Originally costing tens of millions of Dollars each, these salvage aircraft are now available for 10-20 cents on the Dollar (US).
Shown is a small section of one desert grave yard section for the early retirement of many serviceable commercial jet aircraft. . . . Shown to the left is a Boeing 727-200 aircraft conversion utilizing HARTH design float pontoons for high speeds and ultra stability in high seas. . . The final product of the Hydro Lance 'Flightless Float Plane' is shown in motion off shore, having a cruising speed of up to 200 mph. The HARTH technology assures that there is no sea sickness on board. |
![]() 'Flightless Float Plane' Ferry |
COPYRIGHTED@ 2004-1999, Hydro Lance Corporation All images, website content, designs and such other written intellectual property is Copyrighted. Copyrights, patents, designs and intellectual property is the sole property of the Hydro Lance Corporation and the inventor: Robert P. Price. Any copy or reproductions of this material, or any use of the H.A.R.T.H. technology, is forbidden, unless by license agreement or a written and signed consent given by the Hydro Lance Corporation.
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